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“Much more than teaching English, Soul Bilíngue teaches us values”

Updated: Mar 21, 2022

Fernanda Amorim is going to the English exchange this Saturday in Bray, Ireland

Fernanda Amorim and her mother Elisabete

Born in Santa Isabel, a small town in the state of São Paulo, Fernanda Amorim, 21, is going to Ireland next Saturday (26th) and will have her first international experience. She was among the highest-ranked Soul Bilíngue students in the second semester of 2019 and earned the four-week English scholarship to ATC Language School.

Daughter of Elisabete da Silva, a retired administrative officer, Fernanda lives in Santa Isabel with her mother and uncle Antônio. Doing an exchange program was a distant reality for her, but she saw her dream becoming closer through Soul Bilíngue.

In 2019, without hope and knowing her future, Fernanda says that Soul Bilíngue opened doors to find her path. "I felt like there was no reason to keep trying. What helped me a lot was studying at Soul. Because much more than learning English and applying for a foreign exchange scholarship, Soul Bilíngue teaches us values ​​such as empathy and resilience that help us as people".

Besides dedicating to English classes in the social organization, she organizes her time to study for the college admission exams. Currently, Fernanda is in the fifth period of International Relations at the University of São Paulo (USP) and is doing an internship in Institutional Relations and Advocacy.

"Earning the English exchange program and going to USP was my greatest personal accomplishment. I was studying at Soul and taking a preparatory course to apply for USP, then I received the good news very close to each other," says Fernanda.

Looking forward to Fernanda's trip, Elisabete talks about the importance of encouraging her daughter. "I am sad because she's going away for a while, but at the same time thrilled because she is going to make her dream come true. I think it's important that we, as parents, encourage our children to believe in their potential."

Fernanda will be the first Soul Bilíngue student to travel in 2022 and tells how the expectations for the trip are. "I'm very excited! I want to study a lot, but I also want to visit different places, get to meet new people, and put all the years I've studied English into practice".

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