Kaique França left for Italy last month and will spend eight months aboard a ship on tour around Europe

People can achieve the dream of visiting other countries in different ways: through an exchange program, scholarships at colleges, or even working, as the 21-year-old student Kaique França did. The former Soul Bilingual student will spend eight months working on a cruise.
Kaique França was born in Jequié, Bahia, but has lived in São Paulo since she was 12. As he did not have a good relationship with his parents, he grew up with his grandparents and uncles.
"I had brief contact with my parents. At 12, my father kicked me out of the house, and at 15, my mother was practically not at home, so my grandparents raised me. Before coming to Italy, I lived in a rented house with my uncles and a cousin. There were five of us, and we shared the expenses to survive," says Kaique.
Impact of Soul Bilíngue
For Kaique, his dreams pushed him to overcome difficulties. In 2020, when he passed the selection process for the Soul Bilíngue program, his mind opened up by knowing different options to explore the world.
"I believed that going to the United States would be my greatest achievement in life, and when I would have achieved that dream, I would accomplish everything else. However, Soul taught me that the world is my home and the United States is just a fraction of what I can achieve," says Kaique.
The impact of Soul Bilíngue on Kaique's life allowed him to dream even higher. In the same year, through a friend, he found out it was possible to work traveling around the world. Then, he applied for a crew position on a cruise ship and got recruited by an agency.
"Soul Bilíngue helped me a lot in this process with the English classes and contact networking. For example, my mentor Gabriela Macron helped me with my CV in English, which I had a hard time doing by myself," explains the former student.
It was the first time Kaique had traveled by plane and had an international experience. He will spend eight months working in the ship's cleaning area. So far, he said he had visited over five countries, including Spain, Jamaica, Greece, and the much-awaited United States.