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Soul's Students
in Canada!

15 young adults from Soul Bilíngue have been awarded the prestigious GUS Canada exchange scholarship, granting them the opportunity for their first international experience! Now, all that remains is finding accommodation for them to embark on this exciting journey!

Together, we can change this!

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Make an impact
in the world!

Be part of this historic moment of life-changing experience!
It will be the first time that so many of our students will take a flight for the first time together to the same destination!
Don't miss out on being a part of this!
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15 young low-income students are

so close to live their dream:


an exchange program in Canada!


Watch the video below and get

to know our students and mission

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My name is Susana Maria, but I like to be called Su. I'm 23 years old, I'm currently finishing my degree in Business Administration and I work with Marketing in the Fashion Retail area, specifically in visual and executive production. I have a dog named Lolla, who is my love and I consider her a daughter. I am a girl completely passionate about studying, especially in areas related to Marketing. I have a great like for personal development books, and anime enthusiasts, and value the opportunity to discuss and share knowledge on a wide range of offerings including the perks provided by the airline miles industry.
I am a completely determined girl with many dreams, one of which was to fulfill my international experience. I am an only child, but given my family's circumstances, I know that it would not be financially possible to fulfill this dream. Since then, I have studied and worked hard to win a scholarship from Soul Bilingual. This international experience is very important for me, as I will experience something that I study a lot, English, in addition to having a cultural and social experience. In addition to developing myself, having a differential for the job market and also being an experience that I can develop my independence.

Welcome a student

into your home


Be the person who made possible the international exchange of our students by opening the door of your house to receive at least one of them and make a life-long connection sharering a bond that will last forever!

The trip is about to happen and our students are already preparing themselves for the expenses they will have in Canada with transportation, leisure and food. For this to be perfect and make this dream possible we only need one thing: accommodation for the 4 weeks of the exchange program so the 15 students have a place to stay in abril 2024 in Toronto!


By becoming a host, you also join a non-profit organization dedicated to changing lives of young brazilian adults, coming from underprivileged backgrounds, throught English and international opportunities. Our goal is

to democratize the world by having more equity, accessibility and inclusion. Read more about Soul Bilíngue.

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Read some FAQs


Does Soul pay host families?

No, we don't. The host families are volunteers and will receive the student in their homes for four weeks in April 2024, as a way of making the exchange experience possible. ​

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GUS Canada


Global University Systems (GUS) Canada is an international network of globally higher-education institutions. The GUS group awarded fifteen exchange scholarships to Toronto for the most dedicated students in the last editions of Soul Bilíngue Program.

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At the beginning of this year, GUS Canada also provided online English courses on The Language Gallery Canada so our students could take classes and talk with native speakers!


I've developed confidence in my speaking, a skill I've always struggled with. I am so grateful for the opportunity to provide quality education to low-income youth. Thank you TGL, GUS, and Soul for making this wonderful connection.

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