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Avião Voador




Rebeca Gonçalo, 21 years

He is 21 years old, lives in Poá, east of São Paulo with his father Roberto, who is vigilant, and his mother Rita, a seamstress. He is currently an administrative assistant at Soul Bilingual, where he won an English scholarship abroad in 2019 for his attendance and commitment to the program. Since then, she volunteered in the program and, in September 2020, she was invited to join the team officially assisting in the project area. The next step for her is to enter the university, where she wants to study medicine. “The exchange for me is an achievement. A dream that became possible to be achieved. I see that this trip can expand my world and it will certainly bring me new learning opportunities ”.

Partner: Good Hope Studies

South Africa - forecast: March / 2021

Tickets: sponsored by Ellen Molitor (Bilingual Soul mentor)


Maxwell Cardoso, 21 years

Son of driver Manoel and beautician Adriana, former student Soul Bilingual Maxwell lives in Ferraz de Vasconcelos, east of São Paulo, and is a construction technician. His dream is to get to know all the countries and go around the world and the exchange achieved by the program means the chance to discover and live unique experiences. "I hope it is the best way of growth possible, both in English and in the way of learning from other cultures". He was one of the Soul fellows of the August 2019 edition.

Partner: Vital Intercportação

Ireland - forecast: April / 2021


Mayara Ávila, 23 years

Mayara Avila is 23 years old, lives in Suzano, São Paulo, with her younger sister and parents Marco Antônio, a truck driver, and her mother Maria Aparecida, a seamstress. Graduated in nutrition, she is currently unemployed and the exchange for her is an opportunity to gain knowledge and learn about new cultures. After living at Soul Bilingual, Mayara dreams of working helping other people. "I want to improve my English, meet different people and have enriching experiences".

Partner: Vital Intercportação

Ireland - forecast: April / 2021

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Jaine Viana, 22 years

Jaine lives with her younger sister, aged 19, in Poá, east of São Paulo, and works as an administrative assistant. Daughter of a bricklayer and mother a seamstress, she is a graduate student in law and can hardly contain her anxiety about experiencing her first international adventure and traveling for the first time by plane. For her, the exchange goes beyond studying abroad. For Jaine, it is the chance to try something new and understand what life is like in other parts of the planet. “My dream is to get to know all the corners of the world and Soul is giving me the opportunity to get to the top. I believe that the world is too big for us to stay in one place ”.

Partner: Vital Intercportação

Ireland - forecast: April / 2021


Maria Cibele, 22 years

Born in Suzano, on the east side of São Paulo, Maria Cibele is a nutrition and dietetic technician and works as an attendant at the family's greengrocer. She, who participated in the Soul edition of 2019, lives with her parents and a sister and sees the exchange as an opportunity to improve English and self-confidence. For her, boarding a plane to an English-speaking country is the fulfillment of one of her dreams. Another is to become a flight attendant. “I want to motivate people and show that it is possible to achieve goals. The exchange is a way of seeking knowledge and that nobody can take from us ”.

Partner: Vital Intercportação

Ireland - forecast: April / 2021


Alana Mayrine, 22 years

At the age of 22, Alana Mayrine studies education and lives in Suzano with her brother, her father, who is a glazier and truck driver, and her mother, a housewife. To help with the family's income, Alana works as a nanny. The exchange in your life comes as an opportunity to get to know a different world, full of opportunities. “I hope to feel that chill in my belly when we are going to a place and we are not sure what is waiting for us. I want to be able to connect and learn from people different from me ”. For her, the international experience will help her to improve her self-confidence and independence. “I want to lose the fear of doing new things. I'm sure the experience will force me to step out of my comfort zone and challenge myself ”.

Partner: coming soon

soon information

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Bank of Brazil

CNPJ: 31.325.378 / 0001-99

Agency: 3568-8

Current account: 34041-3

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CNPJ: 31.325.378 / 0001-99

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A social initiative that democratizes international opportunities to young people from public schools and underprivileged areas.


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